December 13, 2007

Nominated as Best Portuguese Geek Blog

Nominated as Best Portuguese Geek BlogWow, I was quite surprised to see that this blog was nominated as "Best Portuguese Geek Blog" [1], and since if I'm there is because some of my readers nominated the blog, so here's my sincere "thank you". There are eleven nominated blogs, and curiously I was already a reader all but one, which makes me think that this nomination is in part by the fact that the Portuguese blogging ecosystem is still preety small. Also, my list would be quite different... But let's not go into there. At the end, what surprised me the most about this is that not every blog nominated (as this one) writes in Portuguese, and that's also the factor that makes me think that any of those who write in english will "win". Not that it matters, as a matter of fact I think that the inniciative (which organization I'm not criticizing) is better off with Portuguese-only blogs... After all Portuguese-written blogs are aiming to Portuguese-reading people, while English-written blogs aim the world.

Anyway, this blog post is just to say a big "thank you" not only to those who nominated me, but also to all my readers. It was more than two years of fun, and while sometimes it slows down, it's not aimed to stop.

[1] -

1 comment:

  1. Põe mais preety small em cima disso.
    Já viste que o meu Blog também lá está?


    Mas sim, andamos todos a ler-nos uns aos outros :)
