April 04, 2007

Your take on EMI && Apple

Two days ago I wrote the second most criticized blog post I wrote here - damn, it's the second time I feel someone's comming to me physicly and beat me. While there are only a few comments there, the flame wars started in Mailing Lists, but, surprisingly (seeing the common reaction we get from the blogosphere), I saw that there are more people thinking like me about the latest DRM news.

So, out of curiosity, I created this poll and I ask you to please answer it... The first options implicitly take that you care about DRM issues. If you do not, then there's a propper option for you.

Thank you.

Edit: For those who are not seeing the poll, please vote here. For those that do not have a flash plugin, vote here.


  1. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I'll be honest with you. I really don't care very much about DRM issues. DRM is not such a big issue. In fact, I think it's a kind of diversion from the main issue, that is the creation of a voluntary global license for file sharing where the main part of the money will go to the creators and not just a tiny fraction as it is right now. Criminalization of file sharing is the issue. Discussions about DRM always remain at the surface of the big copyright lie that only protects big corporations and not the author, be it a musician, a writer or a journalist.

    I feel sorry for all the suckers who spend their money downloading tracks from online services while thinking they are helping the band and end up not being able to transfer their tracks to other devices. But not VERY SORRY. After all, by now they should know how to use emule and torrents.

    So, in a way I think the EMI-Apple move was expectable. Do you think EMI was going to give away the control over her property while seeing the other three majors getting economical advantage?

  2. Anonymous8:29 PM

    That's kind of a pointless question. Of course it is a good move. The question is whether they actually care about the artists or the listeners, which they don't.
    So, no answer.

  3. It's not a pointless poll, because it gives me the means to refute arguments like yourse, of "Of course it is a good move". IMHO it is not a good move, but, to the point of this poll, it seems to me that the "obvious" thing you point out is only obvious to only 35% of those who answered to the poll...
