Google Pages
So, Google created Google Pages, the easiest way to create an website. I've tried it, and here's the result/review.
Hi there... My name is Marcos Daniel Marado Torres, but I'm often known in the Internet by the handle of Mind Booster Noori.
I was born in the Yule day of 1982 in Lamego - Portugal. I'm an Informatics Engineer since July of 2005.
While in 2005 I moved my web presence here, now I have another website, with another blog.
So, Google created Google Pages, the easiest way to create an website. I've tried it, and here's the result/review.
at 20:23 0 comments
at 18:50 0 comments
Following the previous article:
* Motorola E1000
For this phone, I wrote: "Now, E1000 is a phone that I already know, and when I got my C650 I said "my next phone will be an E1000". Well, I didn't knew that it would be this soon, and the price of E1000 may be too expensive for me to choose it." But I started to hear (and then Google confirmed) that this cellphone has lot's of battery problems, so I'll probably skip this one and check some of those others more expensive ones...
* Motorola V620
* Motorola V400p
* Motorola V3 Black
This three cellphones don't have an mp3 player. Goodbye.
* Motorola E1
Now, when I heard that this cellphone was going to exist I was thrilled. When it started to be selled on Portugal I war more thrilled. Most reviews on it are bad, but they all fail to realise that this is a cellphone. The reviews tend to compare the mp3 funcionality of E1 (ROKR) with an iPod. And, of course, this is NOT an iPod and isn't as good as an iPod to play mp3. On the other hand, it has the best mp3 player I've seen in a cellphone that isn't a smartphone, and it is a good cellphone in the other aspects. So. what's it's problem? It's expensive.
The decision is not made yet, so "Choosing a cellphone" saga may have a Part III.
at 20:14 0 comments
Fred wrote something interesting:
Red means danger, in traffic lights and brake lights. Animals use red to issue warnings and announce their mating season. Red is used to provoke erotic feelings. Red is the color of your blood. Most of all, red means STOP or ERROR.
at 13:53 3 comments
I've got some feedback on my posts about Mindless Self Indulgence, but today I got one asking me for more stuff from Mindless Self Indulgence. Since he's not yet willing to buy one CD from them, here's some more teasers:
Bring the Pain (mp3)
Bitches (mp3)
Straight to Video live:
at 17:50 0 comments
In a House subcommittee hearing for global human rights, Rep. Tom Lantos accuses four major U.S. technology companies of "complete compliance" with Chinese repression of civil rights and political dissent. Their actions are, he says, "a disgrace."
Watch the video here.
at 17:09 0 comments
Joey has written "Don't forget MOO's", in response to "Towards a Free Metaverse". I agrree with what he said, but I must add "don't forget talkers". As a matter of fact, I would only change "Long ago we had MOOs, MUDs, etc," with "Long ago we had Talkers, MOOs, MUDs, etc,".
(Disclaimer: I write text based Talkers, and have never used Second Life, though I'm willing to try it.)
at 15:11 0 comments
This is the default .bashrc on Fedora:
[root@noori ~]# cat /etc/skel/.bashrc
# .bashrc
# User specific aliases and functions
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc
[root@noori ~]#
at 19:17 0 comments
StickAM is an Web 2.0 application that launched today. For the last days I've seen lot's of new Web 2.0 Apps starting up, and none of them innovative or interesting. This one is the difference.
Let's start for the bad part: I'm still waiting for my confirmation e-mail, and their service is slow. I suppose that they weren't expecting the exposure they're getting, and that these two latency problems will soon be fixed. Another bad thing, they use Flash. If they do that, they have an innovatite service that gives you an easy way to stream videos or audio in your website or blog in a couple of clicks.
I have to try it myself to draw a final oppinion, but for the stuff I've already checked, and comments on the web, I think this is a good webapp.
Read more about StickAM here.
at 16:59 0 comments
The beta versions have been released. To upgrade your HCL from 2.1.0 alpha or 2.0.6, simply upload and overwrite your existing files, then run the setup script and choose upgrade when prompted.
For those that still don't know, HCL is Help Center Live, and WinApp is a desktop client for it (to Windows sistems).
at 16:14 2 comments
Following my set of rants on the way Web 2.0 world is getting saturated, you may want to read this post that shows my point of view in a more polite way...
at 13:40 1 comments
Google Inc. is offering a new tool that will automatically transfer information from one personal computer to another, but anyone wanting that convenience must authorize the Internet search leader to store the material for up to 30 days.
That compromise, sought as part of a free software upgrade to Google Desktop and released Thursday, might be more difficult to swallow now that the Bush administration is demanding to know what kind of information people have been trying to find through Google's search engine.
Google is fighting the Justice Department's subpoena in a federal court battle that's focusing more attention on the risks of personal information held by Internet companies being turned over to outside sources, including the government.
Now, I wouldn't risk my privacy on this one, not just because you have better alternatives to Google Desktop but because doing that would be... exactly what most people will do, because of this cartoon that I've posted earlier:
Read here more about this topic.
at 17:58 0 comments
This post was messing up with my blog's CSS. I'll get it back ASAP.
Like I did last year, I'm starting (exactly at this instant) to choose what will be my next cellphone. As for it's brand, and for the the same reasons as before, I'll choose a Motorola.
Now, I have a C650 and I like it, and I obviously want to have an equal or better cellphone. The choices:
at 20:37 0 comments
Following my rants on Web 2.0 and all the hype around it, here's another post.
Today I've heard of Yet Another Web2.0App, Zoomr. Yes, the name couldn't be a more shameless plug, Zoomr is another WebApp that does the same as another existent one, Flickr, which almost everyone knows now, it's used by everyone, and nobody will use another one unless it's really really better, preetier and innovative. Well, this one ISN'T. I think that creating one webapp like this (when there's already others) is filling Internet with garbage, even if Melo points out something good on this webapp. Now, I totally agree with Melo: distributed authentication is a really nice thing to have, and I think that every webapp would be better if it had it. I just don't think that Zoomr is worth shit just because it has it.
Lesson of today: if you want to create an web application, try to implement a distributed authentication system, since that's a nice to have, and do something INNOVATIVE unless you're doing it just to piss me off.
Yes, I also think that the future of the desktop is the Web, but it can only happen if you innovate.
at 17:57 2 comments
There's a comment in Portuguese on this, in the image, but for those that don't know Portuguese, here's a translation:
You didn't get it? Don't worry.
Electronic Arts is one of the biggest companies in the world that produce and distribute game classics like Simcity and The Sims. In this picture we can see an outdoor in Canada from EA. If you use that piece of code in a C program, the output will be "Now Hiring". That's their way of letting only programmers to know that they want to hire... A nice way of filtering the people interested in the job!
at 17:07 0 comments
OK, I know and understand the concepts behind Web 2.0, I like the concepts behind AJAX, I think Ruby on Rails is cool, and I really really think that the short future on computer applications are on web applications. Furthermore, I believe that creating nowadays a "web site" instead of a webapp, or ding a webapp that isn't Web 2.0 is certain ruin and misery. So no, I don't agree with Russell Shaw when he says that "Web 2.0 does not exist". But even the Webbies out there must agree that there's a ridiculous "Web Bubble" going on... again. How many startup based on Web 2.0 applications do you know? Reading your daily news you'll figure that there are dozens being created per day! I'm not as skeptical about this as Kevin Cornell, but when was the last time that you head about a new Web 2.0 app, and when I mean new I mean an application doing something new or better than the applications available before? I don't care to read about Yahoo Photos migrating to Web 2.0: after all they bought Flikr and will probably want to turn their two webapps into one without loosing users. But I couldn't care less about Feedster having new features, since after all they are nothing more than a news reading site like their competitors Google News, that make you able to get a feed for the search you want, and have more cantent than Feedster could ever have. But it's not the existence of alternatives like Feedster that bother me, no, I actually enjoy the existence of competition. But, PLEASE, do you know how many feedster-exactly-like new startup's with no-user-base-yet I knew TODAY? SEVEN! 7! Sorry, but that is just ridicculous.
Do you want to create a Web 2.0 startup? Then, PLEASE, do this five steps:
at 21:42 0 comments
"Software: do Caos à Agilidade" is an article (in Portuguese) written by me and that was published on the 5th DEInix 'zine. This article was written almost an year ago, but feel free to read it and comment here.
at 13:27 0 comments
DO NOT go to "Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics High Energy Astrophysics Division" and type the word "teen" in the search box, and if you have actually not listened to me so far, DO NOT click on the links it presents, because they redirect in a flash to various Not Safe For Browsing sites.
Ok, you can't blame me now.
at 12:58 0 comments
This weekend I got the most beautiful vinyls you can get:
This is a pink opaque vinyl (that's right, pink!), preety cool... See it spinning:
But THIS is the most beautiful vinyl I've ever seen, and I'm proud to be owner of one:
Unfortunately my cellphone camera isn't good enough to show you how preety this is... a bood-red translucid vinyl! Here is is, spinning:
at 11:10 0 comments
I took this picture a long time ago, but uploaded it only today. I can see this every day from my window, and kind of shocks me... After all both the company who's doing the publicity and the one who did the printing don't know that, in Portuguese, there's no "á", but "à"...
at 11:05 0 comments
I shouldn't be so harsh on Fedora. I know. I shouldn't, because then they revenge themselves on me and make me hate them more... and suffer. With the latest Fedora Core 4 updates, I suddenly lost my keyboard on KDE. That's right, I'm using Gnome (which I don't like) because my KDE on Fedora has no fucking keyboard. People continue to say that I'm too harsh on them, that "shit happens" but I can't just believe how moronic can someone be to push such unstable updates to an self-proclaimed "stable" distribution release. I'm using Fedora Core 4 on this machine, Fedora guys tell that this is a stable version, and then, out of the blue, in the middle of one day of work, I suddenly loose my keyboard on KDE, loose all my produtivity because I'm used to KDE and not to Gnome, have to configure Gnome my way, and... ARGH!
I officially HATE Fedora.
at 18:48 39 comments
Can somebody please give me a good reason on why KWord and Scribus packages on Fedora exclude the options of importing PDF? That sucks! How is someone expected to edit a PDF on Fedora? To download KOffice source and compile it? Bah!
at 12:29 2 comments
I said yesterday that there were rumors on Google making a Linux distro. Despite today being earnings release day, presumably a very busy time at the Google press relations office, technology spokeswoman Sonya Borälv said that "[w]e use Ubuntu internally but have no plans to distribute it outside of the company."
The fine folks behind Ubuntu will be happy with this indirect endorsement by one of the biggest names in technology, but there won't be any Goobuntu PCs on the shelves of your local Best Buy for the foreseeable future.
You may want to read more on the issue here.
at 19:18 0 comments
Since I only had musical items on my wishlist and I was too lazy to get it updated as it should, I've decided to end with it. It was usefull for a while, but it just isn't anymore. Besides, I don't have problems in knowing stuff I want to order, even when I forget some stuff I really want but never hear of it again: there's allways more music I want than the music I can afford to order per month...
at 19:10 0 comments
Ever wondered how is world going to end?
Watch it here (Flash needed):
at 18:19 0 comments
I wish, today, a merry Imbolc to all those Pagans out there who celebrate it.
at 13:18 0 comments
Remember when I talked about the Optimus Keyboard? Well, while you wait for it, they're now acception pre-orders for the Optimus Mini-Keyboard: a similar idea but with only three buttons. Interesting enough...
at 17:14 0 comments
As some of you know, I'm a Pandora heavy user, I think it is better than, and I think it will get a lot better. Of course it still has lot's of problems, and I know some of them... But now I've just stumbled upon a curious one.
I indicated to Pandora some weeks ago that I like Steve Roach. Now, I've started a new "session" on Pandora and this has been the songs it gave me:
at 16:19 0 comments
Since Bill Gates is Portugal spreading the M$ desease, and since most Portuguese people are seeing this as good, I think that this is a good time to point to you this page that shows what's so bad about Microsoft. It quickly explains that it's not a problem with their success, but with how they achieve it...
at 11:41 0 comments
KDE 3.5.1 has been released!
KDE 3.5.1 is a maintenance release which provides corrections of problems reported using the KDE bug tracking system and greatly enhanced support for existing translations and new translations. Surprisingly, from all the changes, the ones I eager most are those related to KPDF.
at 11:12 0 comments